Category Archives: Guides

ph & EC: Discover how the Aqua Master range can help you optimise your grow

ph & EC: Aqua Master Meters Aqua Master Tools offer a range of quality pH,

The perfect ventilation setup

Ventilation is a fundamental necessity for cultivating healthy plants. It plays a big role in

Beat the heat with summer friendly LEDs!

Summer is the most challenging time for indoor growing. As temperatures increase, plants can struggle

IWS Flood & Drain Pro Upgrade

As the custodians of the IWS brand, Global Air Supplies, we pride ourselves on innovation

Which Growing Media Is Right For You?

The choice of growing media depends on several factors. This blog breaks down these factors

Why You Need to Know the EC & pH of Soil

The EC and pH of soil are terms often referred to by growers. But what

Pythium – The Hydroponic Plague

Pythium – The Hydroponic Plague Pythium is a big problem when growing using hydroponic methods,

Why should you use a fan controller?

Why should you use a fan controller? There are several benefits to using a controller

What’s the difference between an AC and EC Fan?

What’s the difference between an AC and EC Fan? An essential part of an extraction

Vapour Pressure Deficit: The Importance of Humidity

The Importance of Humidity: Vapour Pressure Deficit   Temperature and humidity play a large role

Transition from HPS to LED

Transition from HPS to LED – A Guide from Global Air Supplies LED lighting is